3. Ecology

Ecology of Ecosystems #2

Biogeochemical Cycles; True ECOSYSTEM Processes (Week 8) c) How and why are the C and N biogeochemical cycles so tightly linked? How can understanding these linkages help us to understand nutrient limitation of ecosystem productivity? (30m) 2018 Link between C and N Cycles Fixed C is: 1. Respired by living organisms directly 2. Ends up in soil (Plant litter,…… Continue reading Ecology of Ecosystems #2

3. Ecology

Ecology of Ecosystems #1

Modes of Predation & Herbivory (Week 3) a) Outline the hypotheses that have been proposed to explain how the importance of predation might change within and between food webs. Briefly evaluate the evidence for and against these hypotheses. (15m) 2017 Importance of predation can be evaluated by their direct effects, indirect effects, facilitation and inhibition.…… Continue reading Ecology of Ecosystems #1

5. Micro & Molecular Biology

Inherited Diseases & Disorders

Explain how red blood cells from an individual with sickle cell anemia “sickle” and why they can cause painful “crises” in nerves and bones. Why is avoidance of dehydration and physical exertion important to avoid these crises? Sickle cell anemia is resultant of a polymorphism, where there is a Glu6Val mutation in the beta-globins of…… Continue reading Inherited Diseases & Disorders

5. Micro & Molecular Biology

Protein Folding, Trafficking & Degradation

Outline how a newly translated polypeptide folds correctly, including in your answer the role of chaperone (Hsp70) and chaperonin (Hsp60). Some polypeptides fold spontaneously once released from the ribosome, but most proteins require assistance to fold correctly. Molecular chaperones assist in the folding of newly synthesised proteins and refolding of misfolded proteins, and exist in…… Continue reading Protein Folding, Trafficking & Degradation

5. Micro & Molecular Biology

Cancer Stuff

Explain how tumour suppressor genes differ from oncogenes. (4m) Oncogenes are linked to cancer via gain-of-function gene mutations that only require 1 of the 2 alleles to be mutated, while tumour suppressor genes are linked to cancer via loss-of-function mutations that require both alleles in a cell to be mutated. Mutations of proto-oncogenes into oncogenes…… Continue reading Cancer Stuff

5. Micro & Molecular Biology

Cell Differentiation & Stem Cells

Embryonic stem (ES) cells exhibit the quality of pluripotency. Define pluripotency. Describe 2 assays that are used to demonstrate the pluripotency of mouse ES cells. Pluripotent cells will give rise to cells under all three germ layers of the embryo proper, which are the endoderm, mesoderm and ectoderm, but not the placental tissue. Pluripotency of…… Continue reading Cell Differentiation & Stem Cells

3. Ecology

#1; Behavioural & Evolutionary Ecology

Microevolution vs Macroevolution: Micro; Changes in gene frequencies within species, due to natural selection by mutation, gene flow and genetic drifts. When continued over long periods of time, these microevolutions lead to macroevolution. Macro; Evolution of major alterations that distinguish higher taxa, including the studies of diversification, extinction, success and failure of major lineages.  …… Continue reading #1; Behavioural & Evolutionary Ecology

3. Ecology

#5; Behavioural & Evolutionary Ecology

SEXUAL SELECTION Trait that increase reproductive success can be selected for, even if it decreases survival. Sexual selection acts in same way as natural selection: Variation in sexual trait Trait has to be heritable Variation in reproductive success Correlation between trait and reproductive success   Sexual selection requires: Sexual reproASEXUAL REPRO Haploid Pathenogenesis (unfertilised egg…… Continue reading #5; Behavioural & Evolutionary Ecology

3. Ecology

#2; Behavioural & Evolutionary Ecology

DISPERSAL Dispersal benefits to individual often appear in conflict to population demographic benefits. Source-Sink Source population (fecundity > mortality) Sink population (fecundity < mortality) So why would individuals move from source to sink populations? Spatial heterogeneity can vary through time – Source habitat quality may decrease, while sink habitat quality becomes better   Ideal Free…… Continue reading #2; Behavioural & Evolutionary Ecology